SECOD SEMESTER: POST 1: A country I would like to visit

Hi! My name is Francisca Tapia and I have 22 years old. Actually, I am currently studying the fourth year of forest engineering. If you ask me what country I would like to visit, immediately I think of Hawaii. Specifically in Maui becouse that hawaiian island offers a range of experiences for visitors. If you visit Hawaii you can surf, enjoy the beach, ride a horse across a dormant volcano in Haleakala National Park, or (and the most important point to me) enjoy the amazing natural scenery. This island is one of the most beautiful islands in the world and I would be very very happy to see it. I don’t know to much about the island but I would like to learn more. And who knows stay to live there. 

What I would like to do in Hawaii is study the vegetation in the area applying knowledge that I acquired through the career. I would love to be able to live in Hawaii I think that place ir very beautiful and amazing. 


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